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The DTCV project initially used lerna to manage a monorepo structure, but later moved to turborepo and pnpm as package manager.

The monorepo code structure is a great way to manage the codebase and the dependencies between the different applications and makes a powerful combination with the app creation process for digital twin city apps.

The basic idea is to gradually move out valuable application logic that is suitable as library code and put that into the packages directory.

The principles can be futher explored in the Turborepo documentation.

DTCV is following the default setup of Turborepo as far as possible.

Read more about the module system here.

Version maintenacne

A tricky part of managing common packages between different applications is to keep the versions in sync between the different applications.

As soon as the module code is changed, there is a risk that the version is not updated in all the applications that depend on it.


The solution to consistent module dependencies is to publish packages to NPM and use the version number from there as your application has a release cycle.

Use a tool like changesets to manage the version changes and create a changelog for each release.

This means that your applications will always use the same version of the module and the developement in the source code can continue without breaking your existing applications.

Another approach is to use git branches for each application if that is more suitable for your development routines and project structure.