Digital Twin City Viewer
An open source toolkit for collaborative right-time city data online
Built to simplify visualisation of city data online
The Digital Twin City Viewer is a developer platform built for actors that both provides and consume data in cities to easily share this online through custom web based viewers. Based on participation in the Digital Twin Cities Centre (DTCC) we realised that "one viewer to rule them all" will not be maintainable as everything around us changes so fast.
Built with customisation in mind
Web apps are more and more built upon reusable components and going away from intricate design patterns. What we see is a strong movement towards reusable blocks that can be copied into an app and customised. Open data and open customisable apps can democratise access to data and information and reduce time to value.
Seamless integration with the DTCC Platform
The DTCC Platform is a digital twin city platform developed in the Digital Twin Cities Centre (DTCC) hosted by Chalmers University of Technology.