Getting started
The platform is only used if you need backend services like authentication, database, realtime, workflows, Speckle integration, DTCC Core or file storage.
If you only want to develop a viewer frontend application you can skip the platform, and look into the examples on how to use Next.js, React and viewer components.
The DTCV Platform needs a Docker environment to run locally on your machine.
It's recommended to use OrbStack or Docker Desktop to run the platform inside the virtual machine.
You also need to have Node.js, pnpm and Supabase CLI installed on your machine.
Run the platform
When the Docker environment is ready, clone the code from the github repository and run
pnpm i
You also need to create a .env file in the platform directory. Use the env-example file as a starting point.
Then to start the platform run:
pnpm run platform:start
This will take some time but start all services.
Remember to stop the platform after you are finished with development:
pnpm run platform:stop
Run a viewer app
The simplest example is to use the dtcv-auth app. It shows:
- how to create a user and login
- an example of the viewer component
- some UI components like a sidebar
To run this example app, first take a look at the environment variables in example.env and make a copy of the file into .env.local.
Then add the environment variables for the platform.
The environment variables for the platform is the one you added when you configured the platform above.
The to start the app run:
pnpm run dev:dtcc-auth