After using websocket libraries and a custom "hub" (message broker) we tried out the Supabase realtime connection. It works well and is integrated in the database including the use through Supabase client.
We used it to both through notifications as a result of something changing in the database and to do "presence" an emerging phenomenon to track collaborators in the application.
Realtime support is very important in general for digital twin city applications and especially useful for moving geolocated points on the map.
The points could for example represent vehicles, people, objects or comments.
How to use realtime in DTCV
The easiest way to use realtime in DTCV is to use the Supabase client and read the realtime documentation directly from Supabase.
A quick example on how to use it in the client code:
const supabase = createClient();
event: "*",
schema: "public",
table: "my_table",
(payload) => {
This will subscribe to all changes in the "my_table" table and log the payload to the console.
Intead of subscribing to "postgres_changes" you can also subscribe to a custom channel, for example "presence" events.
This will bypass the database and you can send mouse cursor movements or realtime data from sensors.